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-Install Castle Age Auto Pilot!
If you dont have greasemonkey click.
INSTALL GreaseMonkey Click Here.
-restart firefox
-Install Castle Age Auto Pilot!
What is already working automatic?
* general selection (bank/income/quest/subquest)
* Perform quests and subquest up to 100%
* Perform demi-quests and demi-subquest up to 100%
* bring gold to bank
* increse income by selecting required general if available (Cid/Mercedes)
* autmatic invading
* battle for demi points
Testing - Automatic Battle
Testing starts when stamina timer is at 0. Right now you can also initiated the process y clicking on the "enemys" button on the top Right. I won't say battling is rock solid and there a lot of things to fix but it works for now.
Using these values for seleting enemys: 70% army size + Rank not lower than 4
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