!!! coin exp infini for games !!!'s Fan Box

vendredi 9 avril 2010

Pet Society - Coloured Wigs

Credits: Patiniox


  • Firefox 3.5 (need to force traffic to firefox)
  • IE | Chrome
  • Fiddler [Link ] | [Link2 ]
  • FP10 - Flash Player 10
  • Wig Database [ Link1 / Link2 / Link3 ]

  1. Open fiddler. Clear cache.
  2. Go into PS. There will be the line '/game/pets/swf/XXXX/database.dat' in Fiddler.
  3. Right click copy url. Add it in Autoresponder. If you cant find it, manually add it using this line. Make sure Enable Auto and Permit pass.. are both ticked.  
  4. Replace the database.dat with the 1 that you have just downloaded from me
  5. Now go into Pet Society.
  6. Wear a Wig. (you can purchase 1 in the Clothes > Wigs)
  7. Go to the Food shop > Groceries.
  8. Purchase any of the following items and your wig will be Dyed that colour :p It's like buying a cheese to get white! hehe. Have fun experimenting.
    The FRUITS > COLOR list is in the folder. Just open info.txt and check the color that you want.

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